Exploring the transformative power of love

Archive for March, 2011

The Newness of My Spontaneous Day – I Call it Fun

A glimpse of my truth is described beautifully in a poem by Kabir, “I will give back the pure soul that was given to me at the time of my birth as pure, as clean as it was given to me.  I will give it back that way when I die.”

Remaining watchful, today I became aware of my childlike innocence as I entered into play with four children.  We five children agreed to play Indians.  One of the boys was 11 years of age and is gradually but systematically being programmed by everything and everyone.  I noticed he kept his distance, so I selected him to be one of the Indian powwow leaders.  He then entered into his innocent self.  We all donned our Indian head-gear, gathered in a circle and appointed an Indian princess.  We banged drums, played flutes, beat tambourines (I played my harmonica); we ate sunflower seeds, made peace signs and united in Indian calls with flourishing imagination.  We were having big group fun on the safety of my front porch.

Just as conditioning and conforming creates a made-up identity, my spontaneous day led me to die to my made-up self and to once more become an innocent child with freedom to express the simplicity of being and to play and have fun.  As I Corinthians 15:31 says … I die every day.


Love Affair

How lovely you are Springtime, blessing my day with your pop-ups of yellow daffodils, green grass, and purple tulips joining with frosty white trees while singing your lovely song in unison.  Your little birds are so happy and free awakening daybreak with their voices singing outside my door.  The trees seem to be holding up the dazzling blue sky!

Oh yes, my 83 year old body is joining with the Spring act—it wants to rock and roll as I gaze upon such unexplained beauty.  Thank you, thank you for once again using your energizing power to electrify my body joints that want to stay in the past of winter—I am loving you back and appreciation is my love song to you.   Enjoying falling in love forever each day purges me and springs my old body self on!!

Aren’t love affairs colossal?!!  BE ONE!